opxveVELO Migration

Update 6/29/23 - Migration of opxveVELO to opxVELO for Velodrome v2*

opxveVELO mints have been discontinued. The project has renounced ownership of the contract.

We have redeployed the project as opxVELO for Velodrome v2. We have repurposed the SushiBar contract to accept both opxveVELO and VELO (v2) in exchange for opxVELO at a 1:1 ratio.

The rest of the project's details remain the same. To exchange opxveVELO tokens for opxVELO, visit https://app.openxswap.exchange/opxveProject on Optimism. Select "opxveVELO v1" as the input token and approve spending to exchange opxveVELO for opxVELO.

You'll receive opxVELO in return 1:1. We do not recommend bonding VELO v2 tokens in exchange for opxVELO until the token is at least soft pegged. The only other change of note to the project will be a change from a .05% swap fee to a .3% swap fee for opxVELO-VELO pool on Velodrome v2.


opxveVELO (v1) token address: 0x46f21fDa29F1339e0aB543763FF683D399e393eC

Last updated